The Word of Todd

May 5, 2010

Novel time is a novelty it seems

Filed under: Uncategorized — Todd R. Vick @ 11:36 PM

As most of you may know, I have been crafting my very first novel, Purple Lilacs, since June of 2009. It is now May of 2010, and I have not written a word in almost 2 months. Between school and work, I am just not finding the time I need to write. Add to that having to move (again), and the novel collects dust.

Time management with my writing has been a challenge since day one. I have a couple of freelance things going on as well, and it is tough finding time to bang those out as well. My day job consumes a lot of time, and I love it, but the novel calls to me…

On a positive note, in my current class, Seminar in Fiction, I had the opportunity to have Purple Lilacs critiqued (what I have so far anyway). I got back some tremendous feedback.  I also realized that I am not in as much of a hurry to finish the novel. I want it to be great. I want it to be finished, too, because I have another story that will actually be a series of JA (Junior Adult) novels. I am very excited about this project. I will be working with a co-author on this one, and I know it will be a fascinating series.

So, finding time to write what I WANT to write is taking a back seat to what I HAVE to write. In retrospect, this is not a bad problem to have…

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